Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Ball Keeps Rolling



        The ball keeps rolling, never stops

       Across flat lands and scary old drops

       Working its way on old dirt roads

       Carrying with it our lives' heavy loads.

      The ball keeps rolling every day

      We're all in it, we have to play

      The game that goes on all the time

      In good conditions, rain or slime.

     The ball keeps rolling, so don't be afraid

     Embrace the game, don't let it fade

     Accept the challenge with an open mind

    Move forward, never look behind.

   With each new dawn a chance to start

  Just carry on, follow your heart

  You have the power and the drive within

 To conquer obstacles, to rise and win!


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Train Ride


          Train ride in a land of wonder

        Throughout nature's lovely sight 
         There's no storm, no rain, no thunder
          Just a day of pure delight.

          Train ride,  a journey so exciting

           With amazing views and sounds

           An experience so enlighting

           Taking me to newer grounds.

           Train ride, an adventure full of thrills

           That leave all my troubles behind
            Over the woods, mountains, and hills

           Nothing but joy in mind!


Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Dream Journey


              Take a look at the blue sky

               Dream of flying fast and high

               And of leaving all behind

              In the space find peace of mind.

              Wander lonely through the stars

               To the moon and then to Mars

               While the Earth, once big and hot

               Slowly turns into a dot.


             Move on with your cosmic trip

             Only you and the spaceship

             To the solar system's end

              Even further go, my friend!

            Far away in time and space

            Your ship lost without a trace

            Infinite your thoughts will be

            Roaming there forever free!


Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Mighty River


         The mighty river flows

         Through nature's secret path

         And as the wild wind blows

        It roars with speed and wrath.

      No peaks, valleys, or hills

      Can stop it on its way

      It causes awe and thrills

 And takes your breath away!

It keeps a steady pace

In its noble endeavor

Moving through time and space

Destined to run forever!


Monday, August 12, 2024

A New Dawn


        A new dawn comes into the light

       To fill my heart and soul with glee

       I get out of the frightful night

       From darkness and despair
       I'm free.


  I leave the troubled past behind

  And head towards a brighter place

  A million thoughts go in my mind

   As I move at my own pace.

  I greet the world with open arms

 Absorbing every sight and sound

So let's embrace its endless charms

And look for beauty all around!

The Ball Keeps Rolling

                    The ball keeps rolling, never stops        Across flat lands and scary old drops        Working its way on old dirt road...