Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Ball Keeps Rolling



        The ball keeps rolling, never stops

       Across flat lands and scary old drops

       Working its way on old dirt roads

       Carrying with it our lives' heavy loads.

      The ball keeps rolling every day

      We're all in it, we have to play

      The game that goes on all the time

      In good conditions, rain or slime.

     The ball keeps rolling, so don't be afraid

     Embrace the game, don't let it fade

     Accept the challenge with an open mind

    Move forward, never look behind.

   With each new dawn a chance to start

  Just carry on, follow your heart

  You have the power and the drive within

 To conquer obstacles, to rise and win!


The Ball Keeps Rolling

                    The ball keeps rolling, never stops        Across flat lands and scary old drops        Working its way on old dirt road...