Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Look at My Spotify Stats for 2020


2020 has been an awful year for me, not necessarily because of the Coronavirus pandemic, but mostly because I lost someone very dear to me, so in these times the moral support and boost I got from listening to my favorite types of music, hard rock and metal, has been essential in helping me cope with the huge sadness and grief I went through. Heavy metal was here for me in my darkest moments of 2020 and will undoubtedly stay with me for as long as I live!

As for my listening stats for 2020, I have to say that the mail sent to me by Spotify in early December, which presents a short review of my listening habits for this cursed year, does not reflect the whole picture, because I also use Youtube Music for my auditions, therefore I can have an accurate picture of my 2020 year in music by consulting my stats on, which I'm going to do in a future post, so for this article, I will only take a brief look at my Spotify 2020 wrapped and draw a few conclusions based on it.


Last year they were in second place, but thanks to their fabulous 2019 release 'The Wings of War' which also made me feel like listening to some of their older and great stuff more frequently in 2020,  the thrash metal veterans from New Jersey took the top spot. They fully deserve to be in this position because they're one of those few bands which sound better as they advance in age. To me Overkill sounds as fresh as energetic as they were 3 decades ago, and their latest album is absolutely stunning. As you can see, 'Where Few Dare to Walk' is my favourite songs from 'The Wings of War', but really all the songs from this album are at least very good, if not great. I think that, out of all the bands which put thrash metal on the map in the 80s, Overkill is the most enduring and consistent, as they have a remarkable catalog of 19 studio albums, some of them being truly fantastic, such as their latest one!


Spotify is not very detailed in terms of stats, so it only offered me a top 5 of my favorite bands from 2020, just like it did last year. The first thing I can say about this Top 5 is that thrash metal heavyweights took the lead this year, replacing traditional heavy metal classics like Judas Priest(last year's winners) and Iron Maiden, which are probably still in my top 10, but Spotify doesn't bother showing us too much, as unfortunately, it doesn't show our top albums either. Anyway, the presence of symphonic metal veterans Therion in this chart shows that there is some variety in the metal I usually listen to, but nothing can beat thrash in my musical world for the time being. 


Speaking of less accurate stats, this is where Spotify really is at its worst. I mean, of course, metal and rock are my favorite types of music, but what kind of metal and what kind of rock? I suppose thrash metal and traditional heavy metal, maybe hard rock would replace metal and rock if Spotify did a better job. Anyway, no surprises here as I love power metal and thrash metal is mentioned here in the form of the new wave,thanks to bands like Havok and Warbringer which in my opinion are at least as good as the old boys of thrash, and they will keep on growing in quality!


Speaking of Warbringer, they are the winners of my Top Songs category, not with a track from their latest release, which is truly great, but with fabulous songs from their previous album, 'Voe to the Vanquished.' The track 'Remain Violent' is one of the tunes I found repeatedly on the daily mixes made by Spotify based on my preferences, and I found it so damn catchy that I played it on repeat several times, which I don't do with many songs. Anyway, two more thunderous thrashers from Kreator and Overkill, a power metal tune full of hooks and an unbelievably catchy chorus from German band Orden Organ and a more melancholic track, a semi-ballad from the one and only Motorhead made me my top 5, but of course, this was a close call, and these are not necessarily my favorite tunes at the moments, they're just the ones I played most frequently.


I cannot put an end to this article without mentioning that my favorite decade of 2020 was the 90s according to Spotify, and the aforementioned "Love Me Forever" by Motorhead was my top song from that decade. This doesn't mean that I like the music of the 90s more than other decades, but those were the years in which I discovered hard rock and metal and it isn't a surprise that I have some feelings of nostalgia about that decade, and that is probably why I listen to the music of that decade quite often. 


2020 was the year in this I started listening to podcasts on Spotify and, even if I tried to listen to shows related to a variety of topics, heavy metal was my first choice, and after trying several podcasts, I found one which I truly love- The Heavy Metal Hangover. I was captivated by the discussions between the two hosts, Chris and Jay, as soon as I started listening to the first episode in that series, and I kept on listening to them for several months as the podcast started in 2018 and I had many episodes to discover. It's highly entertaining and truly interesting to the hosts analyzing metal in its multiple aspects, and I can never get bored listening to them, so this is by far my favorite podcast on Spotify for the time being.



That was my short analysis of my Spotify year wrapped. 2020 was full of sadness and misfortunes for me, as it was probably for a lot of people, but listening to heavy metal helped me a lot and I know that it is here to stay and make life more exciting and more pleasant for years to come. Long live heavy metal!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Autumn- the Season of Melancholical Beauty

As the autumn progresses and the days get shorter, wetter and colder, the combination between the dark, misty, often gloomy atmosphere which is characteristic for this season and the exquisite beauty of its natural landscapes generate contrasting states in my mind and soul.

I cannot deny it: whenever the sunny, often annoyingly hot, but also joyful summer days are over and the first signs of the fall appear I feel slightly uncomfortable as I have to come to terms with the fact that once again the sunshine will be replaced for the next half a year by rain, cold, darkness, and eventually the unforgiving frost of the winter. Although I have to go through this transition every year, as I have done ever since I was born, and I know that it's the natural thing that happens in a country with a temperate climate, I still can't avoid the feelings of sadness associated with this yearly passage from summer to fall.

The feeling of melancholy is almost inevitable during this period of the year and I'm convinced that a huge number of people who live in countries whose climate can be generally characterized as temperate are affected by it, and they have to make serious efforts to fight these negative moods which can certainly lead to depression and other serious mental and physical health issues.

One of the ways in which I try to keep this state of sadness under control and prevent it from taking over my mind is to go beyond the dark, the cold and the rain associated with this season, and see the outstanding beauty of nature in the autumn. If the weather allows me to get out of town and make some short trips in the surrounding areas and I have to admit that the first part of this autumn has been unbelievably hot, with temperatures soaring way above the normal the average for this time of the year(which is definitely not a good sign, but more than likely an indication of the fact that the effects of global warming are getting stronger and stronger in my country), I take full advantage of this unexpected opportunity during the weekend days, but even if a walk in the park is enough to change my mood as I immerse myself, even for a short while, in the beauty of the autumn landscape.

The exquisite symphony of colors which gives the impression that the hills around my town are in fact giant paintings with an incredible variety of nuances and tones, the distinctive sound made by the carpet of fallen leaves as I step on the alleys of the park or the hilltops shrouded in mist after the rain create a remarkable variety of images and sounds that have a healing effect on my sound as the inevitable melancholy associated with fall mixes with wonder and admiration at the splendors I discover all around me. It is enough to open my eyes and see how lovely nature is even during a season I generally dislike to realize that all we need to do it is see beyond the appearances to discover the beauty of the autumn, just as we have to explore our souls and go beyond its surface to discover the true beauty which lies deep within ourselves!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Huayna Picchu- a Priority on My Bucket List


I haven’t compiled a definitive bucket list on paper yet, but if anyone asks me to name one place in the world I want to visit above all the others, my answer will be, without any hesitation, Machu Picchu, the best-preserved city of the Incas which, thanks to its strategic positioning in the heart of the Andes has fortunately escaped the destructive wrath of the conquistadores.

However, after watching many videos about Machu Picchu and its unique location, I realized that the mountain peak which rises right next to this fabulous wonder of the world, Huayna or Wayna Pichu, is no less fascinating than the Inca city itself, as it also features spectacular temples and Inca ruins. Therefore, when I think about the magical moment of finally reaching this fabulous stronghold of the mighty Inca Empire, I already imagine myself facing a dilemma: Shall I climb the stairs to the top of Huayna Picchu as well or shall I avoid such an adventurous hike?

It is obvious from the Youtube videos I have watched so far that the trail to the summit of Huayna Pichu is not recommended for people who fear heights. It is a journey made on steep, sometimes very narrow steps on which tourists have to be extremely focused to avoid a tragedy. There are also steel cables which help them in the most difficult portions of the trail, which indicate how dangerous this trek really is, and from what I have seen the descent is even scarier as there are segments in which the stairs are so steep that tourists actually have to crawl their way down until they return to the foothills of Huayna Pichu!

It is also true, however, that those who choose the entire package and include Huayna Picchu in their itinerary are rewarded with some truly exhilarating views once they reach the top; to see Machu Picchu and the entire area surrounding it from above must be a unique experience, which I would like to live one day. I am convinced that all the people who were there didn’t regret their choice of climbing Huayna Picchu for a single second. It is a hike which might also occupy a high position in my bucket list, but for now, all I can do is watch how people who visited those fabulous places lived some truly extraordinary moments in the Peruvian Andes.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Wolf Seems to Be My Animal Spirit Guide


One of the activities I do when I want to chill out is to solve quizzes . I discovered that some of those quizzes are quite interesting as they can help me find out new things about the world and maybe even about myself.

For example, earlier today I made a quiz which would reveal my animal spirit guide or totem. Although I did it just for fun because I can’t say that I truly believe in such stuff yet, I have to admit that I liked the result when I found out that my animal spirit guide is the wolf.

As soon as I read the description of the meanings which this animal spirit can offer, I could identify myself with the main characteristics of the wolf, both positive and negative. Thus, I think intelligence and a strong appetite for freedom are features which characterize me, but at the same I can also relate to a rather negative characteristic such as lack of trust in people or even in myself.

Of course, doing a quiz on an entertaining site isn’t enough to convince me of the existence of these animal spirits, in which many populations truly believe, but it certainly raised my curiosity about this topic. Will I be able to connect with my animal spirit if it really exists? Will it appear in my dreams and offer me guidance? Will it help me overcome the obstacles of real life? These are still unanswered questions, but that’s exactly what makes this discovery so exciting for me.

Anyway, I’m glad my spirit animal is a wolf and not a snake, as I can see that other people got after doing the quiz. Of course, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and spiritual guidance, but I really prefer wolves to appear in my dreams instead of snakes! Should I believe in the power of such existence? I have no idea, but I’m confident that one day I will find an answer. Until then, I will try to find out if the sharp instincts and deep intelligence of my wolf spirit can really guide me on the rough path of life!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mountain Roads- Often Scary, Always Fascinating


Last year, as part of a summer trip to some of the natural and cultural landmarks of Romania, I had the chance, among other great exploits, to travel on some truly unforgettable mountain roads, such as the one from Curtea de Arges to Vidraru Dam, a journey full of extraordinary sights and discoveries which left me with great memories that will be never be deleted from my mind.

As the trip was made at a relaxed pace, there were several stops along the way until we reached the dam, so there were plenty of opportunities to take pictures. However, the almost indescribable beauty of the mountain landscape was also scary. As the road was going higher and higher it was more difficult to look down at the canyons under it., and going close to the edge of the road was obviously dangerous, as the view of the deep ravines below was a warning to everyone to be extremely cautious. Definitely, it wasn’t a trip recommended for those who suffer from vertigo.

This combination of feelings and mental states which ranged from wonder at the incredible natural beauty of the mountain to fear of the frightening ravines below is a truly remarkable experience. It can also be your last adventure too, if you feel too cocky and ignore the danger by going too close to the margin on the road. That’s why I preferred to keep a little distance from the guard rails, and even so I can’t deny that I was feeling a little anxious, and now when I look back at the photos made on that occasion, I almost relive those stunning moments. Mountain roads are truly splendid, but they can also, be highly dangerous, so we must always be very cautious when we are there.

The Light Will Always Shine at the End of the Tunnel


Whenever we travel across a mountain road the chances of passing through tunnels carved into the rock are quite significant. For me, they are symbolic of the obstacles we encounter in our existence because life can also be seen as a long journey in which happy moments alternate with dark passages. There are short tunnels which can be crossed by car within a few seconds; they represent in my view the minor obstacles we have to deal with daily. They cause us a little discomfort, but we usually have enough strength to overcome them and continue our journey into the unknown.

However, from time to time we also come across extremely long and dark tunnels. Once we enter them, we're not sure how long it will take before we reach the light again, and thus we are in danger of becoming overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, and even depression. It is during those dark moments of our lives that we have to remember that there is a way out of every tunnel and if we are strong enough, the dark and frightening tunnels can't stand in our way.
As we sink deeper and deeper into the obscurity there comes a moment when we see a point of light which grows bigger and bigger as we're heading to the tunnel exit. All we have to do is always go forward until we're back into the light; if we believe in ourselves and we keep our mental strength and determination we are unlikely to get lost in the tunnel.

The feelings of joy and relief we have once we find the light again are symbolic for those truly special moments in our lives when we realize we managed to overcome the obstacles, but of course, the long journey through life continues and there will be many other tunnels, some smaller and others long and scary, to cross before we reach the end of the road. It's an often difficult, but always fascinating trip in which we learn a lot of things about ourselves and everything that we encounter in our path!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Unforgettable Football Matches: Deportivo's Miraculous Comeback


Some time ago, while searching for the latest soccer news on the FIFA  site, I stumbled upon a photo gallery which took me eleven years back into the past and made me relive one of the most incredible Champions Leagues match ever: the second leg of the quarter-final between Deportivo La Coruna and AC Milan which took place on April 7, 2004.

After the first leg, things were more than clear: Milan had obtained a convincing 4-1 win and they were already making plans for the semi-finals. After all, they were the title holders and they were also undoubtedly the team of the moment in Europe. Therefore, I considered that the second leg would be a formality for them and I preferred to stay out later that night and miss the first half of the game.

Imagine my surprise when I entered home and found out that Depor were leading 3-0 at halftime thanks to the goals scored by Pandiani, Valeron, and Luque! It was simply unthinkable for an Italian club, and especially a giant like AC Milan, to receive three goals in one half! But on the other hand, Super Depor had earned the reputation of a giant killer in both Spain and the Champions League. It seemed that nothing was impossible for that fantastic team which had earned so many fans exactly for its fearless, unique offensive style used against the powerhouses of European soccer.

I watched the second half nervously, hoping that the miracle would continue until the end. After all, one goal from Milan would have saved the Italians from disaster, but it didn’t happen. Depor was in complete control of the match and when the captain Fran scored the 4-0 goal, I knew it: The miracle has been completed!

It rarely happens to me to watch the replay of a soccer match if I know its results, in the case of the legendary Depor vs. Milan clash I made an exception and watched the entire game again the next day. What an amazing team that SuperDepor! They were bound for glory, they were definitely the most entertaining team in Europe.

Sadly, Tristan, Pandiani, Valeron and all the other legendary players stopped in the semi-finals, when Jose Mourinho and its extremely pragmatic FC Porto side found the antidote for SuperDepor’s enchanting style of play, and even more sadly from that moment on the decline started and the Galician team fell into obscurity and it has recently reached a truly low point when it was relegated to the Spanish third division in the summer of 2020!

However, the legend of Javier Irureta's Superdepor and its stunning thrashing of AC Milan will remain forever embedded in football history as the greatest achievement of a small team that made its fans dream of European glory.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Radio Was Priceless for Me in the Eighties


Many years ago, in the eighties, the radio played a significant part in my life because it represented the main way to find out what was happening in the world. The television and the press at that time were completely obedient to the ruling political party, and in fact the only one which existed in my country, the Communist Party, so for many people the only solution to get real news from the West was to try to listen to radio stations like Radio Free Europe or the Voice of America, which had programs in the Romanian language.

For me as a child, those radio stations represented a glimmer of hope in a bleak reality, and although the communist authorities did their best to prevent the radio waves from reaching the houses of Romanian citizens, they often failed in that respect. Almost every evening we used to listen to those radio stations from the world instead of watching the boring two-hour TV programs of the national television which glorified the communist regime and its unique ruler.

Those times are now history, and so are the radio days for me. Now, when access to information is no further than a click away, the classical radio has lost its significance for me. Of course, there are lots of stations I could listen to on the Internet, but the radio as a whole no longer has that extremely high value of being my window to the so-called free world. Nevertheless, I will always keep in mind its golden days and acknowledge the paramount importance it used to have for me.

Photo source: Pixabay

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

10 Years Ago- The Day I Quit Smoking


August 18th is a date which has a special significance for me: it marks the anniversary of 6 years since I quit smoking. Whenever my the mind takes me back to that summer day in 2010 I remember quite clearly the feeling of sheer determination to finally achieve what I had been contemplating for a couple of years, which is giving up that nasty habit. It was the day in which I finally grabbed the bull by the horns, said to myself "No More Smoking!" and stuck to my resolution, which is no small achievement in my opinion if we consider the fact that there are still many people who want to quit smoking, but still haven't got enough will to do it.

This small, but nevertheless important anniversary also represents a good opportunity for me to make a comparison between the smoking past and the non-smoking present and identify the ways in which the decision I took six years ago has influenced my life ever since. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it had nothing but positive consequences, so here are the key reasons for which my life has improved after kicking cigarettes out of it:

1. Health improvement

This is an aspect I noticed shortly after quitting and its signs were more than obvious: no more yellow fingers caused by nicotine consumption, no more coughing due to tobacco, breathing became easier and my stamina grew as well within a few weeks. I remember reading an article in a medical site which stated that if you manage to quit smoking while you're still young your life expectancy will be significantly longer than the one you had while you were a smoker. I did before the age of 35, so my chances of adding a few good years to my life expectancy are significantly higher.

2. Financial aspect

My decision to give up smoking was greatly influenced by the fact that at that time the price of cigarette packs was growing at a fast pace as the government regularly added new taxes on tobacco producers in an obvious attempt to make cigarettes less accessible to the ordinary people. Before August 2010 I hated the government for constantly the price of cigarettes, but now that I'm on the other side I think they did the right thing. The high price of cigarette packs is a solid reason for many heavy smokers to gradually reduce the number of units they smoke daily until they realize it's time to give up! It is needless to say that the money spent on that poison are simply lost, and when you realize how many other useful things you could have done with your hard-earned money them instead of wasting them on that garbage you can't stop wondering why you started smoking in the first place.

3. Passive smoking is no longer an issue

Quitting smoking doesn't necessarily mean that the nicotine will be completely out of your system. There are circumstances in which you are subject to passive smoking, but fortunately, this possibility has been considerably diminished in my country after a law which bans smoking in closed spaces has been recently adopted in my country. Pub and restaurant owners certainly didn't like that law at all as they lost some of their customers because of it, but smokers got used to it, and whenever they feel the urge to smoke they simply get out of that closed space and satisfy their vice without forcing the others to smoke passively.

4. Coffee Tastes Better Without Cigarettes

I used to think that a cigarette was an almost indispensable accessory to a cup of coffee, but as soon as I quit smoking I realized that the flavor and the taste of quality coffee is much easier to identify and appreciate without being accompanied by tobacco. Coffee not only that tastes and feels better than cigarettes, but if consumed in moderate quantities it has benefits for our health, but I'm convinced that if it is accompanied by a cigarette those benefits are simply neutralized by the negative effects of tobacco.

5. I Can Chill Out Without Smoking Nowadays

I used to think that smoking would help me relax for a few minutes during a stressful day, and maybe there was a little bit of truth in that, but after my smoking days were over I realized that there are other ways in which I can relax and diminish the stress, such as looking at playing a game, listening to a song I like or looking at some beautiful pictures of natural landscapes on my smartphone, and so on.

As a conclusion, when I think about the differences between my life before and after quitting smoking, I can only find positive aspects of my decision to quit. Smoking is a matter of individual choice and I respect smokers as long as they practice their habit without doing any harm to others; since I've been one of them for a few years I realize how difficult it is to give up smoking, why is why I appreciate so much those who go all the way and succeed in getting rid of this vice once and for all. If you think about quitting smoking, I wish you good luck and I know you can do it!

Photo source: Pixabay

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains- a Natural Wonder of Romania


Sometimes I feel the need to detach myself from the immediate reality and let my mind wander throughout centuries. One way in which I try to connect to the past is to look again at pictures of spectacular sites I visited and relive the feelings I experienced when I saw amazing things like wonders of nature or historical buildings or monuments.

For instance, today, after watching a documentary about the Roman conquest of Dacia, my mind flew immediately to an amazing natural rock formation which is one of the symbols of my country: the Sphinx from the Bucegi Mountains.

Two years ago, when I made a journey high in the Bucegi Plateau, this 8-meter high and 12-meter rock impressed me because it resembled perfectly the head of a Dacian warrior. It was hard for me to believe that it was the work of nature and not of the human hand, but that’s the reality. Now, when I look again at the pictures I made with this quiet giant called the Sphinx, I almost expect him to wake up and gather people around him to defend the country from its invaders.

Shaped by the action of nature throughout thousands of years, the Sphinx stands still and proud like a true king of the Carpathians. For some people, it’s just a rock and nothing else, while for others it has a symbolic and mythological value. As for me, I have to say that I consider it a perfect illustration of nature’s capacity to create unique and wonderful things that will last as long as the Earth itself.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ancient Citadels- a Bridge Between Present and Past


Whenever I travel to old citadels who were restored thanks to the hard work of people fascinated by history and archeology, or even when I see simple ruins whose origins are often shrouded in a veil of mystery, I experience a strange, but wonderful feeling of living both in the present and the past at the same time.


I can see tourists like me walking in the citadel yards and admiring the vestiges of the past while taking as many memories as they can with their fancy cameras and smartphones, but in the meantime  the mind takes me back in time centuries ago, as I try to paint my own mental pictures of how life was then. The more time I spend in an old city or medieval fortress, the more vivid those pictures are in my mind.


Knights all wrapped up in heavy metal armors, merchants negotiating with buyers, people of different social statuses filling the streets of a citadel, some of them so wealthy that they afford to throw some coins to the poor dirty people dressed in rags who can barely earn their living, all these images of a vibrant, but also troublesome past keep my mind occupied while visiting any place of great historical significance.

I think the possibilities are unlimited when it comes to letting our imagination wander back in time and the role of the visual elements represented by those ancient walls, ruins, bridges or bastions in stimulating our creative thinking is highly significant.

That is why I love visiting them so much and I think that examining an ancient building is often a much more cultural experience than being in a busy city avenue surrounded by modern skyscrapers. Any visit to an old place represents an invaluable history lesson for me!

The photos from this post were taken in the following locations: Râșnov Citadel, Făgăraș, Neamț Citadel, Sighișoara, Deva Fortress, Rupea Citadel.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Do I Live in a Ghost Town?


A few days ago, in an effort to improve and expand my general knowledge, I decided to take a look at a list of cities and towns from my country ordered by population; I was simply curious to see what the rank of my hometown, OneÈ™ti was on such a list, so I googled it and the first site I opened in order to check it out was World Population Review, which I considered to be a reliable source, but when I opened that list and looked for OneÈ™ti, I had an unpleasant surprise: it wasn’t anywhere on the list!

Every town in Romania, no matter how small, was present in that table, except for OneÈ™ti, which may not be a metropolis, but it isn’t a little town either; even with a dramatic decrease in population in the last a couple of decades caused by the bankruptcy or the severe reduction of activity of the factories which were part of a huge industrial platform, once the heart of the town, and the consequent migration of many people to greener pastures, in search for work, OneÈ™ti still has, at least according to official numbers, a population of almost 40,000 inhabitants, but according to World Population Review, those people simply do not exist!

After such a bewildering find, I couldn’t stop wondering: Do I live in a ghost town? Is OneÈ™ti a real site or is it an illusion, a deserted place which can’t be found on maps or on Google Earth? Or maybe the guys from World Population Review still aren’t aware of the fact that 30 years ago the town of OneÈ™ti regained its original name, which had been first mentioned several centuries ago, after being named Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej during the communist period? That maybe a possible explanation, but still they have no excuse for this omission.

Fortunately, there are other sources as well, and when I looked for the list of Romanian towns and cities on Wikipedia I had a sigh of relief: my hometown is included on the list, with a population of 39,172 inhabitants which makes it the 49th town in Romania by the population at the moment. It isn’t a desolate place populated by elves, zombies, White Walkers or other mythical or fantastic creatures, but a real town whose inhabitants breath, talk, work and struggle for a decent living, so luckily I don’t live in a ghost town yet!

Anyway, I’m curious to find out if there are any other towns from around the globe which are not included on the list made by World Population Review, because if there isn’t any other one in such a position, that would make OneÈ™ti a truly unique place in the entire world!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Travel Impressions- Deva Fortress


I had admired it from a distance on several occasions and I had placed it on my list of cultural and historical Romanian sites that I would absolutely have to explore one day and in October 2016 I finally got the chance to visit the majestic fortress situated on top of the volcanic hill which lies next to the city of Deva, the capital of the Hunedoara county.

When you see the citadel from below it has an aura of mystery that seems to draw you towards it like a magnet because you know that the stone walls and fortifications which compose the citadel have been the witnesses of a lot of historical events and managed to survive in times of turmoil and fierce battles. If I had the time I would have gladly made the journey to the hilltop, where the citadel lies at at an altitude of 370 meters, on foot, but since I was participating in an organized trip and time was limited, I chose the easy way up, which is by funicular, and there I was, at the gates of the once mighty citadel, in a matter of a minute or so.

Once I stepped within the fortress walls and I found myself inside the main yard I have to say that the sights I experienced were quite close to what I had anticipated: a massive castle with huge stone walls which give an appearance of stability and impregnability. Those walls speak for themselves, they are the best testimony of the impressive strength of this citadel mentioned for the first time in the second half of the 13th century, which has been besieged on many occasions, but never fully conquered and destroyed, throughout the centuries in which it was a military and administrative center of the whole area.

Unfortunately, I had the misfortune of reaching the Deva citadel on a cold, windy Saturday afternoon, so due to the bad weather I had to shorten my visit and do the tour of the citadel at a very alert pace, but still, I could notice the ruined portions of the castle which were caused by an accidental explosion of the ammunition storage belonging to the Austrian forces which are said to take place during the Hungarian revolutionary uprising of 1848-49. That explosion might have represented the nail in the coffin for the citadel, but thankfully it was only partially destroyed, and the restoration works recently made a guarantee that the fortress will be admired by its visitors for many years to come.

 Another interesting aspect I noticed in the short time I spend at the citadel was the spectacular view of the city of Deva and the surrounding areas. I could picture myself as a soldier looking down on the valley below and get ready to unleash the firepower on the enemies who dared to venture up on the hill; thankfully, those troubled times are probably gone forever and instead of invading troops the view I could see from the highest points of the citadel was that of a modern, beautiful Romanian city.

At the end of my short, but intense visit at the Deva fortress I had a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment because I had added another site to my collection of visited Romanian treasures, which is far from complete, and I also said to myself that I would be back to the Deva citadel one day. I was tempted to do it again by climbing up the hill this time(after all it's not that high) but after reading on the Internet that one of the inhabitants of that hill, which is also a natural reserve, is the dreaded horned adder, a venomous snake, I think I will choose the funicular again! Anyway, regardless of the method you choose to reach it, the Deva fortress is a landmark of Transylvanian history which is worth visiting!

My First Golden Owl- a Special Duolingo Achievement


Last autumn, in the month of October, I started using the well-known language learning platform Duolingo to expand my linguistic knowledge by studying a new foreign language. I chose Spanish because it is relatively close to my native language, Romanian, and it is one of the most used languages worldwide, mostly in Latin America, so I thought I should begin my Duolingo journey with this beautiful language.

It didn’t take me a long time to become fascinated by this activity and turn the English to Spanish course(there is no Romanian to Spanish course yet) into a daily routine. Duolingo’s method of having users learn languages mostly by the use of everyday sentences has worked like magic in my case as I found it relatively easy to assimilate the new grammatical structures and vocabulary associated with each skill which represents a branch of the fairly big Spanish tree. During the first 8 months of studying Spanish on Duolingo my approach was to reach level 5 in each skill and then move on to the next one, but then I changed my strategy and I started doing level 1 on each of the remaining skills until I went down to the root of the tree and I was rewarded with a nice trophy, my first shiny golden owl!

Obviously, when you learn a language you don’t necessarily do it for the sake of prices, but because you want to expand your knowledge, to learn something new about other cultures and countries and for many other reasons, but nevertheless having a precise target, like promoting to a higher league in the Duolingo system, taking your streak to 100 days, then 200 days and so on, or getting a golden owl for finishing level 1 on all the skills of a course, all these extra incentives can only have a beneficial effect as they help me stay motivated to keep on learning and aiming for new heights, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do next.

If you are on Duolingo as well, you can find me here: My Duolingo Profile

After getting my shiny precious golden owl, my journey into the world of the Spanish language will continue until I manage to finish the whole tree, which means getting all the skills to level 5. In the meantime, I am also going to embark on another language learning journey because Duolingo is so addictive that it simply makes you want to learn more and more, so why not? I am probably going to stick to a language which is closer to Romanian, such as Italian or Portuguese, and after that try my hand at more distant languages, like Swedish or even Korean and Japanese, so I am quite confident that my Duolingo adventure will continue for many years to come! 

For the time being, I will keep on improving my Spanish skills, by using not only Duolingo but other resources as well, such as the Coffee Break Spanish podcast on Spotify I have been listening to for several weeks now, and like I said before, I will also start to discover the secret of another language and I will definitely reach new achievements and get another shiny golden owl to my Duolingo trophy cabinet in a few months' time!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Săpânța Peri Monastery- an Extremely High Wooden Church


During a recent trip which I took to the beautiful Romanian county of MaramureÈ™ I had the opportunity of visiting a truly impressive structure: the SăpânÈ›a Peri monastery, which lies in the middle of a dendrological park close to the village of SăpânÈ›a, which is famous internationally for its Merry Cemetary. It was built in 1997, using 400 cubic meters of oak trees, and with its impressive height of 78 meters, it is considered by World Record Academy to be the world’s tallest wooden church in the world!

The monastery’s huge tower, which has a 7-meter high cross at the top, can be seen from 5 kilometers away, so it’s easy for anyone to notice it from a distance. Once you get closer to the wooden church you start realizing how tall it actually is, and it’s impossible not to feel impressed by its sheer size.

Moving around this massive spiritual wonder and looking up to the cross on its top was an experience which reminded me how small and insignificant man can be from a physical point of view, but at the same how spiritually rich he can become when he does his best to overcome his limitations and tries to reach for the sky.

It is also showed me that people involved in the designing and building of this giant wooden church managed to overcome all the obstacles they encountered because faith has guided them and provided them with the strength and determination which are necessary to complete such a massive work of art. Thanks to their efforts and dedication, the SăpânÈ›a Peri wooden church is included in the UNESCO patrimony and it will stand for a long time as a symbol of the power that faith has to inspire people to do great things!

This article has been originally published on Virily in July 2019

A Game of Chess- a World in Miniature


Whenever I challenge someone or get an invitation from another person to play a game of chess I know that for a while I will detach myself from the immediate reality and plunge into an imaginary world of battles, intrigues, and unexpected situations. As long as the game of chess lasts my mind usually takes me into a journey full of thought, strategy, anticipation, and excitement. In those moments the chessboard and chess pieces are a world in miniature, a world in which I can control my destiny, but in order to reach my goal I have to play different roles and sometimes identify myself with each of the 16 pieces I control.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the chessboard were a real-world and I would be no longer the chess player, but one of the pieces on the board. Just like in the real world, the higher my position, the bigger my chances of surviving when the game ends would be, but there are no guarantees that it would be a happy end; even if I were the queen I couldn't win the battle on my own.

To continue with this fascinating exercise of imagination I will try to place myself first in the position of a pawn. After all, half of the pieces of each team are pawns; in the game of chess they are poor, the many and the expendables, but yet their roles can sometimes be decisive. If I'm a pawn on a chessboard I won't have too many expectations from this life as it will be very hard to finish the game alive. I will be in the first line of defense, always ready to sacrifice myself for the king and country. That doesn't sound like a desirable position, in fact, it's quite a miserable existence, but even in these dark circumstances, there is a little hope for me. If I am the lucky one to reach the last line I can turn myself from a poor, hopeless servant into a mighty queen or maybe a proud and strong rook. All of a sudden the power will be in my hands, but how many pawns have this unique chance in the world of chess? Most of them die on the battlefield after a life of suffering, so if a draw is made before the game begins to establish my position on the board the last thing I want to be is a pawn.

Let's say that I'm a minor piece, either a bishop or a knight; it is quite a significant step forward compared to the unwanted position of a pawn, but there are plenty of risks involved and I have to enjoy living on the edge. If I'm a bishop my freedom of movement will be quite restricted, as I can only move diagonally, but it's sometimes enough to allow me to cause havoc into the opponent's defense. If I'm a knight I will be very playful, but also dangerous; I am the only one who can do the thing the queen can't which is jumping over pieces, and for this reason, I think I would deserve some respect. It will be definitely an exciting life, but not necessarily a long one; in most cases, I will be sacrificed before the rooks and sometimes even before the pawns. Whether I'm a bishop or a knight I am expendable too!

It's time to move on to the major pieces. Let's say that after the draw I am lucky enough to be a rook. Now that's a completely different story; I am powerful, I am hard as a rock, and when I move you better stay out of my way! And yet there are disadvantages even in my apparently solid position: I can only move in a straight line and I also need a lot of patience because I have to wait for the pawns, knights, and bishops to make room for me before I can finally leave my initial position. I a mighty and fearless warrior, but I am not invincible. I can be brought down even by knights and bishops if they work together in a clever way. Nevertheless, being the rook sounds quite good to me!

 And then there's, of course, the queen, and who wouldn't like to be one? Isn't it great to have absolute power over your kingdom, to decide who lives and who dies, to move into almost every direction you want? That's the kind of life most of us only dream about! There are plenty of reasons for which I would rather be the queen instead of the king, but there is a disadvantage in this highly desired position: even the queen has to sacrifice himself in a desperate attempt to save the king when things go bad! Queen? Yes, it would be great to be one, but I have to remember that nothing lasts forever, not even absolute power!

And then finally there's the king; he's the one which all the other pieces try to protect and they're all willing to die for him. However, I'm not sure I want to be one. It is true that I will live longer than all my subjects, but life doesn't look too exciting for me. My movements are restricted and I am always surrounded by guards; for most of the game, I can't leave my castle and when I am forced by circumstances to move out of my fortress into the open field I am usually extremely vulnerable. It means that most of my humble and devoted servants are no longer here to protect me. When my army wins the game I take credit for it, but we all know that in reality my loyal subjects, from the poor unfortunate pawns to my beloved and powerful queen, are the ones to deserve all the praise. I am nothing but a puppet, a lazy individual who lives a life full of pleasures, but I have basically no freedom. I am a prisoner in a luxury cage and if my team loses it all crumbles down and I disappear as well! Taking all these elements into consideration, I am not that eager to be a king!

As a conclusion of my little journey into a fantasy world which looks like a chessboard, I can say that being a king is not necessarily the best thing that can happen to you, but it's always preferable to being a pawn, and even if you're in a low position it is possible to make your life better and rise from rags to riches, just as in the case of a pawn which can turn into the queen, but that's probably very hard to accomplish and you also need some luck and often at least a little help from others to stop being a pawn and become important! Anyway, enough meditations, time to get back to the board and play another fascinating game of chess. Long live the king if his subjects defend him with the price of their lives!

Picture source- Pixabay free image  Chess Board

Fallen Trees- Victims of Heavy Rainfall

Going on a hike in a forest on a hot summer day, with temperatures rising to 30 degrees Celsius is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the cool air and the much-needed shadow of the trees while also doing physical activity, which otherwise would be hard to do at high temperatures during the daytime, so when I was invited to go on a hike to the top of a hill on a Sunday afternoon in July, I gladly accepted the invitation.

It should have been a rainy Sunday in my region, but fortunately, the weather forecast turned out not to be very accurate that time, but it had rained heavily the night before. As a matter of fact, I had been awoken by the deafening sound of thunder in the middle of the previous night; there had been a violent storm which had come after several days of extreme heat, a furious outburst of nature which seems to take revenge on humans who cause so much damage to the environment by subjecting them to all kinds of extreme weather conditions.

But it is not only humans who have to suffer from nature's fury, as I could see during my forest hike. I was still close to the foot of the hill when I came across a spectacular, but also frightening view, which you can see in the photo above, of several bent trees forming a natural roof over the road as the contact with the trees from the other side of the road prevented them from falling to the ground. As I continued my hike up on the road I saw several fallen trees, some of the old and massive, with their roots, simply snatched from the ground, but luckily and rather surprisingly none of them had blocked the road, they were in the ravines, right in the middle of the forest.

 It was sad to see those trees knocked down, even if it wasn't man's hand, but nature's anger that finished them off, but it's an unpleasant sight I should be more used to. As humans, in their ever-growing hunger for profits, destroy the environment in an accelerated pace, they also have to suffer the consequences of their reckless acts, and violent, thunderous rainfalls are probably going to get more and more frequent in the region where I live, so I expect to see more and more and fallen trees, along with massive floods, and other devastating effects of heavy storms and other extreme weather phenomena, in the upcoming years. There is no other choice but to get used to these changes because it's obvious to me that our planet won't heal very soon, on the contrary, it will grow sicker and sicker and its suffering will only make our lives worse.

Winter's End

        Winter full of darkness         Time to end your role         Take away the sadness          Get out of my soul.          Spring of ...